About the bridge travels

... or shall I say, my traveling bridge: 

This is sort of a "home away from home" for my "Building or burning bridges in the Community" blog that I have had for years over at WordPress.

What was the meaning behind my blog name "Building or Burning Bridges in the Community?
Faithful Bridge travelers know why I had to take that blog to private status for a time. I still want to be able to blog from time-to-time, and hope the the trolls will actually have moved on with their own sordid lives and are not still  hunting around the internet to see what I may be writing about. (It's not like there is a First Amendment to the Constitution of America or anything that would protect my ability to freely write whatever I choose to about my life). ;-)

If you are already on WordPress, and have a WP login name, you can continue to read my posts over at my Bridges Blog. I'm keeping my WordPress Blog. If you have a WP login and haven't sent it to me yet, drop me an email.

These days, I will be traveling and building my Blogger Bridge here. Anyone who is non-judgmental, non-abusive, non-manipulative is welcome here. As always, thank you for stopping by!


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