Thursday, September 30, 2010

4 Letter Words


It's not a sunshiny day outside--or inside. In fact it is pouring!
Can one person change the world? Sure. Usually that is looked at in a positive light. Hoping one person can change the world for the better! In reality, one person can always change at least one other person's world. For better... or for worse. One person in my family's life has blustered, threatened, coerced, lied and stolen whatever they could from my family over the past decade.

I miss the days where I could cross my bridge anywhere and in any manner I wished! I miss really being able to blog about whatever I wanted--to write freely and interact with my blogging community with out the above "one person" cyber-stalking and obsessing about anything I say. In reality I do have my first amendment right to say whatever I want. However, remember, "what you say can and will be misconstrued and misused against you in the court of someone else's arrogance."

Today, I couldn't care less about that bully or what he thinks about what I choose to write about. Why can't that person move along with their own life and be grateful with whatever life that their own choices netted them--without having to strip everything they can from their ex's life (and the people in their ex's life)?

Another person's dysfunction should not infiltrate and infect my life and my expressions of my life's experience. That would be like a domestic violence offender beating the crap out of their wife and then threatening and belittling them if they open their mouth and telling anyone (and from my professional experience I can tell you that is exactly what happens in every abuse case).

Forget that! I am free. I have fought all my life too hard for that freedom! And no one can take that away from me.

Anyone who is non-judgmental, non-abusive, non-manipulative is welcome here. People don't have to agree to be able to co-exist and dialog in a civil manner. People can be assertive without being aggressive (or passive-aggressive) or abusive. Basically everyone is welcome--except that "one person" and their minions.

We now return you to our regularly scheduled blogging.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The M Word

Two of the biggest equality issues that our current President pledged to be a fierce advocate for once he was elected are DADT ("Don't ask don't tell") and DOMA ("Defense of marriage act"). Whether it is equality for those seeking to serve in our military or for all who wish to seek marriage in America, it is clear that politicians are dedicated to whipping up their conservative base into a lather in order to prevent forward movement in the equality movement.
One more case in point today. Senator John McCain successfully led a Republican filibuster of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), to which the repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” is attached. Wait, didn't McCain state that he would support the repeal of DADT as long as the top military brass supported it?
"The day that the leadership of the military comes to me and says, 'Senator, we ought to change the policy,' then I think we ought to consider seriously changing it," McCain said in October 2006 to an audience of Iowa State University students. 
One ray of hope, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has committed to bringing the bill back up following the election. Here's hoping the mid-term elections don't net more conservative base "tea" lovers sitting in the valuable moderate seats in Congress.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

These things take time

Healing, recovering, getting over, getting through... mending... these things all take time.

What's a girl to do when she has lost so much and has so little within her power to change any of it? Just wait.

On the mend...

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Playground bullies

Remember when you were a kid and another kid wanted to give you a hard time or tease you about something? What ended up being the final retort was usually something like "I know you are but what am I?" 

Adults resort to simplistic dismissive replies like that also. They taunt and harass other people in the world around them.Why? Who knows. Maybe because they don't have enough to keep themselves content in their own lives so they are looking for a diversion. Their own "toys" aren't enough for them, so they want someone else's "toys" in addition. Maybe it really all does come down to power and control.

"You are a smug unhappy little man and you treat people like they were idiots." (from "Tommy Boy")