Wednesday, March 16, 2011

You just may be a lesbian

You might be a lesbian, if… (you know, in the spirit of Jeff Foxworthy’s “you might be a redneck.” Think this could catch on?)
…you are a woman who is watching “Mr. and Mrs. Smith” and thinking to yourself that Angelina Jolie is way cooler than Brad Pitt in any scene of the movie!
;) ... It's not scientific or anything...


  1. oh lord, is there a possibility that I am ONE??

  2. Chuckling... well Arnie... that would indeed we an oddity, wouldn't it? ;-)

  3. Arnie is a lesbian trapped in a gay mans body who has gender bending issues of being a closeted lesbian in an out world of homosexual lesbians ..... I'm just saying .....
